Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia to Mentor Agric Students and Beginner Agribusinesses

Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia

His Excellency, the Vice President of the Republic of Ghana, Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia will be hosting and leading an Agri-Ted mentorship session, with  seventy (70) agricultural students and beginner agribusinesses, as part of the opening event activities, of the annual  Agricultural Students’ Career Guidance & Mentorship Dialogue-Bootcamp (AGSTUD Africa).

The Vice President will be speaking and mentoring on the Theme; “Digitalization-The Enabler, The Game Changer, and The future for the Agri-Youth“, at the Jubilee House on March 28, 2022.

With increasing discussions on Ghana, becoming one of the most digitized economies in Africa, the Vice President’s mentorship session is expected to give in-depth understanding and appreciation of the digital trends, and how it can influence career paths of the mentees, in the field of Agribusiness, the Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa Sarpong believes.

She noted that, the Vice President is widely recognized as a passionate promoter of digitalization and his presentation will further motivate and shape the mindsets of the mentees to develop an interest in carving an  Agribusiness- digitalization future. It will also delve into investing in sustainable agriculture, government’s policies and programs in place for young Ghanaians who are into, or interested in the agric sector.

We are hopeful he will further inspire the young people with stories from his childhood, academic experiences and career choices that have guided his path. She added.

Started in 2018, the Agricultural Students Career Guidance and mentorship Dialogue Bootcamp (AG-STUD), has since inception, camped, trained, mentored, enabled and directly supported 750 beneficiaries to establish various Agribusinesses.

Indirectly, about twelve thousand (12000) non-campers have equally benefitted from the mentoring, coaching, Competence-Based Training and Corporate Field Tours the Bootcamp offers.

Presently, some alumni’s have established about seventy-three (73) thriving agribusinesses.

Young James Elikem Brown, a past student of English Amanfrom SHS who was part of the Bootcamp last year, is currently cultivating a successful pineapple farm. James went into value addition after the Bootcamp, and has now registered his fruit juice company with the Food and Drugs Authority. Together with some University Graduates, he is working on a project aimed at encouraging more young people to venture into the agricultural sector.

Obed Asamoah was part of the 2019 Cohorts. He was assisted with a seed capital of Gh500 to start his mushroom farm. Within two years Obed has scaled up his production and currently supplies to African Shops in the US and UK on order. He also trains an average of 40 students each semester in Mushroom production. He also serves as a trainer at the Livestock, Poultry, Fisheries Training and Tradeshow. Obed, a natural-born leader got his skills harnessed at the Bootcamp. Through dint of hard work, he has earned a scholarship to pursue graduate studies in Asia.

This year, the 70 students-campers will be from Ejura Agric College, Kwadaso, Damango, Ohaw, Wenchi, Fair River, Asuanzi, Animal Health, Adidome and College of Agric and Environmental Studies. Others include Central University, Methodist University, Ghana Christian College, University of Ghana, UCC, Catholic University, Northern Youth hub, University of Energy and Natural resources and Ashesi University.

Touching on the activities lined-up for the five(5) day Bootcamp, Ms. Akosa Sarpong said, the outlined daily agenda is aimed at getting the campers to work in, and as Teams, develop their art of public speaking, negotiating abilities and presentation skills.

The activities outlined will also get them to further explore their creative and wear their innovative hats, which is expected to assist them identify challenges and propose solutions, in line with the overall Theme AG-STUD.

For the 5-day period, a number of mentors, coaches, speakers and trainers from various organizations, including ADB, OCP, MOFA, GIPC, FDA, Nanam Ventures, Mobraz, HD+ , Sonal Global, Kofi Venyo, Bdiet and NPRA among others.

They will also equip, coach, train and guide the campers through the thematic focuses on Communication, E-Agric, Food Safety Management principles,  attractive and limitless investment  Agric opportunities , digital marketing, financial proposal development, Do’s and Dont’s in building an Agribusiness and saving the agri-future through talents and creativity and many more.

There will also be morning Disciplinary and Keep fit drills, in partnership with Blue Skies and other innovative fun-related activities within their 5-day period.

We are excited about the opportunities this year’s AG-STUD presents, the choices it will guide the campers to make and the path to take in realizing and growing a future in Agribusiness, with a focus on digitalization.

The youth of today has demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that, we can drive an agenda, push a project, implement an idea, when given the needed motivation, mentorship, encouragement, the necessary  tools, resources , we  should be able to deliver, and that is exactly what we are delivering at this year’s AG-STUD AFRICA,  Alberta concluded.

The Agricultural Students Career Guidance and Mentorship Dialogue Bootcamp, have over the years been supported by ADB, OCP, Mybarnes, CDF Canada.