2nd Phase: 1 Household-1 Garden Initiative

The second phase of 1 Household-1 Garden Initiative is targeting households and schools interested to be part of a backyard – sized agricultural operation in 17 selected  districts in the Northern Region, North East and Upper West Regions.
The purpose of this project is to ensure the resilience of households to the shocks and stresses caused by climate change to food systems by diversifying their focus commodities to include vegetables to improve their nutrition. The project also serves as a COVID-19 response strategy to enhance Household Food Security and improve livelihoods.
Eligible candidates include all domiciled in the Districts below and able to utilize their available backyard space for this purpose.

1. Daffiama Bussie Issa
2. Nadowli
3. Sissala East
4. Sissala West
5. Wa East
6. East Mamprusi
7. Mamprugu Moagduri
8. Mion
9. Sagnarigu
10. Nanton
11. Gushegu
12. Karaga
13. Yendi Municipal

This initiative, guided by AGRA,  Agrihouse Foundation and the Ministry of Food and Agriculture concentrates on food production to prepare, mitigate and respond to and recover from the COVID19 pandemic with special emphasis on national food security.
It sets out to support and enhance  efforts in the area of job creation and building the capacity of the youth, who are eager to support in setting up these farms in homes across the aforementioned Districts.

The project seeks to create further jobs and support the livelihoods of carpenters, masons and, possibly, some unemployed engineering graduates, who will be most relevant in the implementation of this national home garden project.
Nutrition wise, the program seeks to put fresh nutritious produce closer to homes.

We believe, this will further boost efforts of Government, Development Partners and Private sector players to achieve a Ghana beyond food aid.

(Any area of land adjacent or attached to the current dwelling premises of the respondent is considered as a backyard garden. It consists of a potential cultivable area up to a maximum of 1/16th of an acre, equivalent to 2723-3000 square feet of land.)
NB: Persons who show innovative techniques with regards to limited land space i.e. Sacks, arcade, container, rooftop garden systems, window box, wood, bricks, clay and cement garden systems are encouraged to sign up

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