Gold in the Soil Awards documentary airs on Ayekoo on UTV, Wednesday, 6th September, 2023 at 9:15 pm

Gold in the Soil Awards documentary airs on Ayekoo on UTV, Wednesday, 6th September, 2023 at 9:15 pm

Ayekoo on UTV will air Part 1 of our “Gold in the Soil Awards Documentary,” which celebrates and recognizes the outstanding performances and successes of our women farmers and women in Agribusiness and the stakeholders who support their efforts. This Wednesday’s episode will feature the Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, Madam Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, and the exciting stories from our women farmers. The “Gold in the Soil Awards” is a key component of our “Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum,” held annually in different regions. Please make a date with us, tune in to UTV on Wednesday, September 6th, 2023, from 9:15 PM to 10:00 PM

Agrihouse Foundation and GhaNeb LLC Partner, to Create Agribusiness Trade and Investment Opportunities for Ghanaian Agribusinesses in Nebraska

Agrihouse Foundation and GhaNeb LLC Partner, to Create Agribusiness Trade and Investment Opportunities for Ghanaian Agribusinesses in Nebraska

Ghana’s Agrihouse Foundation and GhaNeb LLC, in a press release issued in Accra Ghana, are offering a rare opportunity to Ghanaian farmers, agribusiness entrepreneurs, Government officials and Private Businesses, to exploit a business, Trade and investment opportunity in the forthcoming Nebraska-Ghana Trade and Investment Program, and experience the highly rated Husker Harvest Days.

The  Nebraska-Ghana Trade and Investment program,  taking  place in Grand Island, NE, Nebraska, USA, from September 10th to 14th, 2023, is also receiving support from the Nebraska State Legislature, Grand Island Chamber of Commerce, EZ Politix, Sandhills Global, The Nebraska Department of Economic Development and Certified Piedmonstese

“Indeed, Agrihouse Foundation and GhaNeb LLC,  are truly looking forward to successfully bringing Agricultural interests and leaders from Ghana and  Nebraska, together to help build relationships and bring the interests of both nations together for everyone’s benefit, especially our farmers and Agribusinesses”,  Ms. Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, Executive Director,  Agrihouse Foundation, was quoted as saying in the press release.

“Besides creating and facilitating opportunities for growth of business, Trade and Investment, in both Nebraska and Ghana, twice in a year, one of the long-term vision of this partnership, is to establish a Ghana- Nebraska Trade & Investment (GhaNeb) Secretariat, in Ghana to support, in growing, harnessing and contribute to scaling  up, the opportunities, that are built.

However, to kick-start this vision, we are working with GhaNeb LLC and the Nebraska State Legislature, to send a Ghanaian Business delegation to Nebraska from September 9 – September 15, 2023.

“With the success of this first Trade and Investment program, every subsequent September, Agrihouse Foundation, will work to facilitate a strong business delegation to Nebraska and, every November, Nebraska will, in the same way, send a business delegation to Ghana,” Ms. Akosa elucidated further.

This much needed business event, will equally presents opportunities, for Ghana and Nebraska State businesses, Government agencies officials, to discuss, explore, develop, strengthen and forge bilateral trade and investment relations.

Affirming this,  Mr. Ken Schilz, the Key player in the Program,  and a former Nebraska State Senator and (former) Chair of the Legislature’s Agriculture Committee Nebraksa,  explains,  that the event presents participants,  with  immense business opportunities to meet leaders in the Agricultural world.

Whiles in Nebraska, the Ghana Delegation, will also engage in pre-arranged B2B sessions, and other pre-arranged business meetings, which all aims to present and project the opportunities that could be explored by both countries.

The program also presents a great opportunity for learning about new technologies and advancements, that are taking place in American and global agriculture.

“We are working on bringing a delegation from Ghana to participate in our first Trade and Investment Program, and experience Husker Harvest Days.

Whiles in Ghana last year, we worked with Agrihouse Foundation, to facilitate a Government and Private Businesses Stakeholder Event.

We also  had the opportunity to visit and experience, some large commercial farms in the Mion, Northern Region.  We are particularly excited, that we have been able to scale up, our working relationship. Our collective goal is to, continue our work together, to grow our economies and create lasting partnerships. Former State Senator Ken Schilz added.

So far, The Ghanaian participants that shall be attending this event shall participate in top trade conversations and negotiations, breakout tours, market linkages negotiations, matchmaking, and investment related programs.

They will also have the opportunity to experience the Husker Harvest Days. “For over 40 years, Husker Harvest Days has provided world-class space where farmers, ranchers, and agribusiness/agripreneurs gain priceless insights for their operations while making connections that last for years,” Mr. Schilz explained.

The highly rated event known, as the world’s largest totally irrigated working farm show, has been connecting farming families with Agri producers and services from across the America and beyond. Farmers attend to engage, and this all adds up to ROI (return on investment) value for their business.

This very important agricultural business and investment event will develop and strengthen economic partnerships, provide access to valuable and sustainable market access, enhance bilateral investments, training, knowledge and technology transfer that will support and further boost Ghana’s rapidly growing import and export sector.

Sufficient knowledge to share and takeaway

Participants will enjoy personal conversations with equipment and product designers, techs, and engineers on current equipment and future farming needs; experience the latest in agric technology, and learn from industry experts. Seen as an event that has something for everyone, the Husker Harvest and the Trade and Investment program, promises memorable field demonstrations, Poultry, cattle handling, hemp education, exhibits – and a Hospitality Tent where visitors can relax and enjoy free educational sessions and other guest speakers, and much more.

Whiles in Nebraska, GhaNeb and Agrihouse, plan to have a reception the night before the event’s date for sponsors and participants, with the Nebraska Department of Economic Development providing entry Passes to the event.

Additionally, a luncheon or dinner, and Roundtable discussions, will be organized, as well for sponsors and participants.

At the reception and networking forum on the first day, the conversation will be centered on economic and investment strategies, and practical measures to accelerate and sustain Ghana’s Economic Repositioning and accelerated growth to drive investors to partner Ghana in building the desired thriving industrialized economy.

Field demonstrations that compels innovative investments for increased yields

Whilst in Nebraska, participants shall also have the opportunity to visit farms, processing facilities, implement dealers, as well as meeting with representatives from Nebraska Agriculture Trade Associations, Government leaders and other Agri businesses to exchange ideas and create relationships.

The Nebraska Department of Economic Development will be hosting the Ghanaian Business delegates, and will have the opportunity to interact with global machinery, equipment and technology companies exhibiting at the Tradeshow.

“This is a growth opportunity in agribusiness, Trade and investment, a first step in our long-term plan.  Ms. Akosa concluded.

The Private Sector is Seriously Working in Tandem with the Government to Make Ghana Food Sufficient

The Private Sector is Seriously Working in Tandem with the Government to Make Ghana Food Sufficient

At the back of the recent re-launch of the government’s flagship agricultural program, Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) Phase 2, Agrihouse Foundation, one of Ghana’s foremost agriculture growth facilitator, has let out a press release, re-emphasizing the place of the private sector in leading a partnering drive to make Ghana food security sufficient.

Ms. Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, who heads one of Ghana’s foremost agric sector facilitating organization, Agrihouse Foundation, is underscoring the place of the private sector in leading a partnering charge in invigorating and driving growth in the agricultural sector.

“If we appreciate the role of agriculture in the overall growth of a nation’s economy,  as a dependable contributor to the GDP growth, and as a proven measure in keeping poverty away, we would realize that the sector, by its potential, ranks amongst the most valuable sectors in any economy,”

Ms. Akosa asserted, that “Of course, this is in addition to the immense reward the sector offers to any investor – be it the government or a private sector investor.”

The professionally prolific and dynamic lady who,  herself, is a farmer and a passionate agric facilitator, contends that, even if an evaluation should be made of how her own organization has impacted and influenced the growth dynamics of the sector, the outcome of the evaluation would definitely attest to the claim that the private sector could achieve a significant turn-around,  in the contribution of the sector to the economy in the area of revenue and job creation; once the environment is conducive.

“I am not holding brief for anybody,” Ms. Akosa says, “But, if government estimates that its Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) has provided significant number of employment,  especially for the youth, I don’t know the figures but, without contesting that claim, I’d tell you that Agrihouse Foundation, from its founding to this present date, has provided over 6,000 jobs, especially for women.” These jobs, she goes on to explain, were created through training and equipping of women farmers, and agripreneurs.

According to the Foundation, the organization has provided long-term market opportunities to “over 297,000 farmers, processors and agribusinesses, in the northern part of Ghana and beyond; boosted the capacity of farmer-based organizations, farmer groups and smallholder farmers, through tailor-made module. The Foundation continues to conduct farmer-to-farmer training and demonstrations; and has already established a vegetable training and demonstration centre in Bamvim, “which is continuously training youth and women in seedling and nursery management.”

“So, being that there is a whole lot to be done,” Ms. Akosa, who has numerous awards to her credit, says, “Our work is an ongoing activity focused on contributing immeasurably to Ghana’s attainment of food security and the eradication of poverty, with particular interest in empowering our hardworking women folks/peasant farmers in our rural communities.

“That is why, on our part, we jump at any opportunity that would enrich and broaden the knowledge of our farmers and agripreneurs and, in addition, give them a global perspective to agriculture and how much it can do to grow a nation and create sustainable wealth through best practices.

“For instance, we have just concluded agreements with an American- entity, GhaNeb LLC, to have Ghanaian farmers, agripreneurs, investors, Private Businesses and government officials attend what has been described as America’s largest outdoor Agricultural Show that attracts vendors and participants from around the world.

The event comes up September 10th – 14th 2023, of which a Ghanaian delegation, will be attending, to take advantage of the prime exposure to register for participation.

“Amongst other impactful activities in the tour, there will be a meeting of the delegation of Nebraska Agricultural interests and officials with Ghanaian businesses and officials aimed at developing relationships and fostering business between Ghana and Nebraska,” Ms. Akosa said.

Coming from a long dating experience in facilitating global interactions and knowledge acquiring experiences for Ghanaian farmers and agribusinesses, beginning from her days as the Co-Founder of FAGRO (a popular food and agricultural exhibitions program in the early 2000’s), this current Nebraska window of opportunities comes as another familiar turf to nurture Ghana’s agric industry.

“With about 12 well targeted and successful agriculture growth facilitating programs from our stable, and the encouraging results and feedbacks we have been receiving every year, especially from our flagship annual Preharvest Agribusiness Exhibitions and Conference event,  I am confident that,  government remaining consistent in faithfully enforcing enabling policies and interventions, Ghana’s agricultural sector target can be met and even surpassed with the unencumbered participation of the private sector.”

With the PFJ Phase ll programme, government expects to create job opportunities that would have the capacity to enroll “1.2 million farmers” in the first year of its operation, with the projection that, in the next four years, the programme would record “an annual average of two hundred and ten thousand (210,000) new farm-related jobs”.

“That is a heartwarming plan that reemphasizes the fact that government appreciates the place of agriculture in the mix of the nation’s growth variables,” Ms. Akosa observes.

“However, like I expressed earlier,” the release quoted Ms. Akosa as saying, “we, in Agrihouse, are very passionate about empowering our peasant and rural farmers who are the foundation of Ghana’s agriculture and, while supporting government’s seeming perseverance in seeing that agriculture is positioned on an irreversible growth momentum, despite the challenges of the program’s first phase, we are hoping that relevant policies and adequate enablement that allows private sector’s vigorous and responsible partnership must also be factored in amongst government’s list of responsibilities to make this phase a resounding success.”

“Connecting the Unconnected” – 13th Annual Pre-Harvest Agribusiness exhibition and conference Slated for October 24-26

“Connecting the Unconnected” – 13th Annual Pre-Harvest Agribusiness exhibition and conference Slated for October 24-26

Agrihouse Foundation, in collaboration with the Northern Regional Coordinating Council (NRCC), have slated Tuesday, October 24 to Thursday, October 26 2023 , as dates for the 13th Annual Pre-harvest Agribusiness Exhibition and Conference.

Themed “Connecting the Unconnected: The Farmer, The Input Dealer, The Processor,” this year’s 13TH Annual Pre-Harvest Agribusiness Exhibition and Conference. event will be held at the AGRIHOUSE AGRI-VILLAGE TRAINING AND DEMONSTRATION CENTRE, situated in Bamvim, Tamale, in the Northern Region.

The three-day event encompasses a series of engaging elements, including insightful conference sessions, impactful presentations, exhibitions, field demonstrations and a bust marketplace that fosters crucial business-to-business interactions. Serving as a dynamic platform, with the aim of facilitating contract negotiations, market linkage and elevating the capacity of farmers, smallholder farmers, Farmer-Based Organizations (FBOs), Aggregators, Processors, input dealers and other key stakeholders in the agricultural value chain.

Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, expressed her anticipation for 13th annual pre-harvest agribusiness exhibition and conference, affirming, “We are truly excited to gather diverse stakeholders from the agricultural sector for this year’s Pre-Harvest Exhibition and Conference.

“Over the past 13 years, the Annual Pre-Harvest Agribusiness Exhibition and Conference has been a pioneer in establishing vital market linkages for farmers, processors, and input dealers, thereby revolutionizing the entire agricultural value chain. Our legacy of excellence continues as we embark on the 13th edition. This landmark event will uphold our tradition of fostering market connections, delivering comprehensive training, and facilitating exhibitions that bridge the gap for those who remain disconnected. “She added

Participants will also have the unique opportunity to engage in immersive and practical sessions designed to provide profound insights into best practices and capitalize on the myriad of opportunities within the agriculture sector. Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa further added, “These sessions encompass commodity-specific discussions, intensive training programs, fruitful farmer-buyer matchmaking dialogues, enlightening panel education sessions, enlightening field demonstrations, inspiring keynotes, and vibrant exhibitions—all contributing to showcasing and promoting businesses while fostering invaluable networking opportunities.”

Noteworthy Activities Scheduled:
Commodity Breakout Session: Aiming to assemble a diverse spectrum of participants including farmer groups, farmer-based organizations, aggregators, buyers, students, smallholders, and commercial farmers, the Commodity Breakout Session aims to provide invaluable insights into excelling within the agricultural value chain.

Farmer-Buyer Matchmaking: This exclusive networking event is tailored to enable farmers to connect with potential wholesale buyers and various agribusinesses along the value chain. During this interactive session, both farmers and buyers have the opportunity to establish connections and finalize deals that can significantly shape their agricultural endeavours.

 Exhibition: Spanning the entirety of the three-day event, an engaging exhibition showcase will unfold, offering a platform for purchasing and selling products at affordable prices. This hub serves as a space to explore the latest innovations, products, and services driving advancements in the agricultural sector, encompassing Crop Varieties, Seeds, Farm Equipment and Machinery, Agrochemicals and Fertilizers, as well as Livestock, among others.

Field Demonstrations: In this phase, farmers and industry participants engage in practical learning, acquiring firsthand experience and adopting best practices in farm management. Hosted at the Agrihouse Foundation Agri-Village, this immersive experience aims to equip attendees with tangible skills to enhance their agricultural practices.

The 13th Annual Pre-Harvest AgribusinessExhibition and Conference promises to be an influential convergence, fostering collaboration and innovation across the agricultural landscape. Join us as we work together to empower agriculture and bridge connections in pursuit of a prosperous future.