Agriwoman Marketplace Returns Energetically after a short break, expecting to draw about 50 Women in Farming, Marketing and related Agribusiness Value chain Activities for its 13th Edition

About Fifty (50)and more Women farmers, Processors, Aggregators, agric input dealers, packagers, and other value chain actors, are expected to participate in the 13th edition of the monthly ‘Agri-Woman Marketplace, to be held at the Forecourt of Agrihouse Foundation office, Dzorwulu .The event is scheduled for the last Friday of  September, specifically on the 29th of this month in  2023,commencing at 9am and closes at 5pm.

The Agri-woman marketplace, an initiative of Agrihouse Foundation ,over the past year, has been instrumental in aiding women in Agribusiness to regain,expand and market their agricultural produce, products and services. This initiative offers exhibitions and marketing opportunities,enabling these  women to sell and promote their products and services, whiles opening up their access to markets.

In a release, the Founder and Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation expressed her delight at the  return of the Agriwoman Marketplace.

“it is truly heartwarming  to see the revival of this initiative,”she remarked. “in the past months, we welcomed a significant number of women in Agribusiness who came together to showcase their products and services, for this edition we eagerly anticipate even  more women participating”.

“We are truly humbled, that we are able to advocate and contribute to an agenda which has  strengthened, scaled and promoted Agri-women products and services, as well as  provided an environment for networking”, she said.

The  upcoming September edition of the one-day exhibition and mentoring session is open for registrations  from numerous  agribusiness participants. This diverse group includes women involved in vegetable production, yam and tuber farming as well as grains and cereals.  Others are also into processing ground paste, shea butter, Moringa, neem, coconut, castor oils, whiles the rest are into food, IT, finance, communications and marketing services.

The monthly Agri-woman marketplace, which is fully sponsored by Agrihouse Foundation provides  tables and chairs for women to display their products and services.

Other side activities during the full day event includes Training and Mentoring sessions, wrapped with music, games and other recreational activities, intended to create a relaxing and friendly environment for the women.
It is our hope that by this platform, we  will be able to continue and  contribute steadily to creating and expanding market accessibility, whiles opening up opportunities for women.

The monthly Agri-Woman Marketplace is opened for every woman in Agribusiness and we are encouraging women to register and be part.  This is one sure and practical means we can empower ourselves, harness the power of networking and build resilience. By this, we contribute significantly to food nutrition and security. Agri-women can register as Exhibitors via this link and follow the social media pages of Agrihouse Foundation.

About Agrihouse Foundation
Agrihouse Foundation is an Agricultural development Interventional project, capacity-building organization, with a special focus on changing the perception of, and consciously shaping the conversation around agriculture. Our passion and desire lies in making positive impact, which contributes to the development of the national agricultural calendar.

We achieve the above, through our interventional Agricultural projects, which includes the Monthly Agri-Woman Market Place, centered project,  Agricultural Students Career Guidance and Mentorship Dialogues Bootcamp (AG- STUD); Livestock Poultry & Fisheries Trade Show (LiPF); International Farmers and Agribusiness Resilience and Sustainability Convention (INTAFAC) Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Forum (WOFAGRIC) and Gold in the Soil Awards; Annual Pre-Harvest Agribusiness Conference and Exhibitions; Agri-Watch News Portal and the  1 household, 1 Garden Initiative (1h,1g).