Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa: A Visionary Leader Cultivating Equality in Agriculture

In the dynamic landscape of agriculture in Ghana, one name stands out as a beacon of change and empowerment—Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, the visionary Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation. Her unwavering zeal and transformative vision is shaping a future where agriculture is not only productive but also inclusive, breaking gender barriers and paving the way for a more diverse and equitable agricultural industry.

A Visionary Leader’s Unparalleled Zeal

Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa’s journey as the driving force behind Agrihouse Foundation is marked by a deep passion for the agricultural sector and a commitment to fostering positive change. Her leadership sets the tone, creating an environment of innovation and dedication that goes beyond conventional boundaries. With a background that intertwines agricultural expertise and visionary leadership, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa has positioned herself as a trailblazer, spearheading initiatives not only to recognize women’s contributions but also to inspire and empower them to become leaders in the agricultural sector and address the challenges faced by women in agriculture. Her focus on breaking down gender barriers aligns with a broader vision of creating an agricultural sector that values the contributions of both men and women.

Transformative Initiatives for Equality

Under Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa’s guidance, Agrihouse Foundation has taken on transformative initiatives, such as The Gathering of The Royals, Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Forum, And the Gold in The Soil Awards and the Agri Female initiatives which seeks to empower women in the Northern Region of Ghana but also seeks to fostering an inclusive approach by actively involving men in the process.

The foundation also facilitates projects such as Household 1 Garden, Monthly Agribusiness Skills and Jobs for the Youth Roadshow with Dr. Zee, 1st Ghana Agrochemicals and Crop Protection Exhibition Awards, Agri-woman Marketplace. Other initiatives include The Annual Pre-Harvest Agribusiness Conference and Exhibitions, Ghana Poultry Festival, Monthly Executive Beginner Agribusiness Master Class, and Livestock, Poultry, and Fisheries Training and Trade Show.

The visionary leader envisions a future where the agricultural landscape is defined by collaboration, with both genders playing pivotal roles in leadership positions. Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa’s commitment to equality goes beyond rhetoric—it is reflected in the tangible projects and initiatives initiated by Agrihouse Foundation, such as the Nebraska-Ghana Trade and Investment Program and Husker Days events in Nebraska, USA, Additionally, Agrihouse Foundation are the franchise holders for the International Cassava Fair annually held in Brazil.

Leadership Shaping Tomorrow’s Agriculture

Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa’s influence extends beyond Agrihouse Foundation, as she actively engages with stakeholders, policymakers, and the wider community to advocate for a more inclusive and diverse agricultural sector.

Her collaborative approach has garnered support, not only from within the agricultural sector in Ghana but also from International  partners who recognize the impact of her leadership on shaping the future of agriculture.

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In addition to breaking gender barriers, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa envisions agriculture as a sector that embraces the youth, fostering their engagement and leadership. Through her leadership, Agrihouse Foundation is actively inspiring the next generation to see agriculture as a dynamic and rewarding career choice.

About Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa

Alberta is an Agric Advocate, intervener, initiator and implementer.  She is a passionate promoter of the Agricultural industry and a tiller of the earth herself.

Alberta is the Founder of Agrihouse Foundation, Agrihouse Communications and Shaping Conversations Africa, and the lead initiator of all the highly impactful interventions that the organization spearheads.

She is passionate and committed to making a sustainable and measurable impact within the sector, and her biggest satisfaction is to see all farmers and value chain actors happy.

Over the years, she has led her organization to make significant contributions to the development of the agricultural sector in Ghana, through her advocacies, youth driven initiatives, competence-based Training programs, leadership development and market linkages interventions