UENR Final Year Agribusiness Student  Wins AMG Fertilizer Input Dealer Business Deal Pitch Prize   at 7TH AG-STUD Bootcamp

UENR Final Year Agribusiness Student  Wins AMG Fertilizer Input Dealer Business Deal Pitch Prize   at 7TH AG-STUD Bootcamp

Osei Kofi Fosu, a Twenty-six-year-old final year BSc Agribusiness student at the University of Energy and Natural Resources, emerged as the winner of the AMG Fertilizers Input Dealer business deal pitch at the just ended 7th Agricultural Students Career Guidance and Mentorship Dialogue Bootcamp (AG-STUD), organized by Agrihouse Foundation.

Fourteen (14) final year agribusiness students who participated in the 6-day bootcamp competed for the Ultimate Prize Pitch. The input dealer business deal pitch prize  was designed as part of final day activities, to allow the aspiring agripreneurs demonstrate how they were each going to develop, grow and sustain their business ideas, within a period of two years.

After a tightly contested session, the judges adjudged Kofi Osei Fosu, the overall winner of the Prize Pitch, declaring the ideas and initiatives he plans to put in place to grow and sustain his agribusiness, as most practical and smart.

In partnership with Agrihouse Foundation, the Agricultural manufacturing group will set-up a state-of-the-art input dealer business, for kofi in his community of residence.

Students from Damango Agricultural College also emerged victorious in the Beginner Group Presentation, securing a cash prize of 2,500 cedis. The University of Development Studies claimed the second position with a cash prize of 1,500 cedis, while Ohawu Agricultural College secured third place with 1,000 cedis, all sponsored by Agrihouse Foundation to serve as seed capital for their agribusiness projects.

While extending congratulations to all the participants, Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa reiterated the organizations commitment to support and fuel the vision of young Ghanaians who aspire to building careers in the agricultural sector.

“By this, we are contributing to empowering the next generation of Agriprinuers, whiles contributing to the Government’s agenda of establishing Input Dealer businesses across the country, for convenience and accessibility of Farmers,” she added.

She also stated that, the bootcamp, has grown to become a leading interventional initiative, enabling Agri-youths, beginner Agribusinesses and start-ups, to develop their business ideas, into bankable and profitable Agribusiness.

She said, in the past six (6) years, the annual Bootcamp has supported about 6000 beneficiaries to develop their ideas into businesses, supported Agribusiness companies, to recruit smart and fresh graduates and contributed a drive and mindset development of young people, while exposing them to career paths and opportunities within the Agribusiness value chain.

She noted that, the partnership with the Agricultural Manufacturing group (AMG), to set-up an Input Dealer Business in any region, for the ultimate winner of the Challenge is a huge milestone and a significant boost in building strategic career path young agribusiness professionals, straight after school.

This milestone, she added will also contribute strongly to the Government’s efforts over the years, in making quality input and resources more accessible, by ensuring that, there is an Input Dealer establishment in every districts.

She praised all participants and the winners, and encouraged them to focus on pursuing their dreams with the support they have been given.  While extending gratitude to ADB, Jobberman ,Agricultural Manufacturing Group, WEID Ventures, Kofi Vinyo, Kofi Ansah (Ahodwo Farms), Lexvee Agro-processing, and some of Agrihouse Foundation’s women in agribusiness beneficiaries, including Mama Abigial Ghama, Janet Adade, Queen Gafaratu Enterprise, Ayden Ventures, Nanvee Natural Foods, Vinolia Wealth Foods, ZLB Enterprise, and Bebefu Ventures  for investing in the aspirations of the young agripreneurs, she said, Agrihouse Foundation is also committed to empowering more young people to realize their agri-futures, through the AG-STUD Bootcamp.

For his part, Kofi Osei Fosu, expressed his gratitude to agrihouse foundation and the agricultural manufacturing group (AMG) for the honour.

According to him the bootcamp has been nothing short of transformative for him, as a final year BSc Agribusiness student, winning the AMG fertilizer input dealer business deal pitch price has reinforced his belief in the potential of agriculture as a catalyst for economic growth and sustainable development.

‘’Throughout the bootcamp, I was inspired by the innovative ideas and dedication of my fellow participants. The experience of pitching my agribusiness project to the esteemed panel of judges was both challenging and rewarding. Their recognition of my vision and plans for sustainable growth has fuelled my determination to bring my ideas to fruition.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Agrihouse Foundation for organizing this platform and providing young agripreneurs like myself with the opportunity to showcase our talents. Their commitment to nurturing the next generation of agricultural leaders is truly commendable.

Moving forward, I am excited to leverage the support and resources provided by Agrihouse Foundation and AMG Fertilizers to turn my vision into reality. I believe that with determination, hard work, and the right support system, I can make a meaningful impact in the agricultural sector and contribute to the overall development of my community and country.

This year, the 6-day bootcamp welcomed about 300 students from Agric Colleges, farm institutes and universities, across the country. Throughout the 6-days, the beneficiaries were engaged with practical learnings in diverse fields, led by mentors, trainers and coaches, drawn from different industries. They participated in a number of intensive pitching and presentation sessions, field trips, drills and other mind-engaging activities.

The opening ceremony was graced by the Patron,Hon.Dr Zanetor Agyemang Rawlings , Dr Solomon Ansah ,Director Of Directorate Of Crop Service At The Ministry Of Food And Agriculture ,Hon.Fiifi Kwettey ,Former Minister Of Food And Agriculture ,President of US Ghana Chamber Of Commerce ,Mrs Florence Torson -Har , Mr James Boateng ,2018 National Best Farmer ,who served as keynote Speaker. Other dignitaries were, the 2024 National Best Farmer, Madam Charity Akotia , The Managing Director Of Kovi Organic Foods Kofi Vinyo Among Others

 The participating Agricultural Students and Beginner Agribusinesses include students from, Adidome Agric College, Asuansi Farm Institute, Damango Agric College, Ejura Agricultural College, Kwadaso Agric College, Wenchi Agricultural college, Ohawu Agric College, and Fair River Agric Institute, Veterinary College, and Animal Health Production.

Others include Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, University of Ghana, University of Cape Coast, Methodist University, University of Development Studies, All Nations University, Ghana Christian University College, University of Energy & Natural Resources, Central University, University of Agricultural and Environmental Studies and catholic university.

The bootcamp also made room for daily non-campers; Agric students drawn from selected cycle institutions, including, Labone Senior High School, Accra Academy Senior High School, and O Reilly Senior High School and Ngleshi Amanfrom Senior High School.

Take Advantage of Every Opportunity -Patron Zanetor to 7th AG-STUD Bootcampers

Take Advantage of Every Opportunity -Patron Zanetor to 7th AG-STUD Bootcampers

The Patron for The Agricultural Student Career Guidance and Mentorship Bootcamp, Hon. Dr Zanetor Agyemang Rawlings have urged agricultural student and beginner agribusinesses to take advantage of opportunities from the bootcamp to learn from mentors, industry expect and past beneficiaries and others we have excelled in the agricultural sector to guide and help them succeed.

The six-day event currently on-going at the GNAT Hall, Under the theme “Accelerating Our Efforts in Enabling and Advancing Career Opportunities for Agri-Youth: Role of Public, Private, and Development Partners,” the bootcamp has served as a beacon for students seeking to explore diverse career paths within the agricultural sector. Over the past six years, it has provided a platform for Agric student and beginner agribusinesses to connect with mentors, industry experts, and past beneficiaries, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their chosen fields.

In her patron remarks, Hon. Zanetor Agyemang Rawlings  emphasized that agriculture has emerged as an increasingly profitable and lucrative industry in recent years, driven by advancements in technology, evolving consumer demands, and the growing global population she  urged the campers to take advantage of every opportunity the bootcamp has to offer by learning from mentors ,industry experts and individauls who have excelled in the agricultural sector and also capitalize on the networking opportunities the bootcamp offers

Additionally, Dr. Zanetor Agyemang Rawlings extended her commendations to Agrihouse Foundation for their unwavering commitment to introducing impactful intervention initiatives aimed at bolstering the agricultural sector. She lauded the foundation’s dedication to nurturing youth talent within the agricultural sphere and providing them with the requisite skills to catalyze the sector’s growth.

For her part, the Executive Director of Agrihouse foundation, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, reiterated the organization’s commitment to empowering youth in agriculture. She highlighted the past success of the program and emphasized the foundation’s dedication to ensuring more young individuals venture into the agriculture sector. Through ongoing initiatives, the foundation aims to create a sustainable and thriving agricultural ecosystem for future generations, she also expressed her profound gratitude to Hon Zanetor Agyemang -Rawlings for consistently supporting the agricultural student career guidance and mentorship bootcamp initiative

This year’s bootcamp is being supported by ADB, Jobberman,Agricultural Manufacturing Group , Kofi Vinyo, Kofi Ansah (Ahodwo Farms),Holland Akokor, Lexvee Agro-processing and some of Agrihouse Foundation’s women in agribusiness beneficiaries including Mama Abigial Gyama, Janet Adade, Queen Gafaratu Enterprise, Ayden Ventures, Nanvee Natural Foods, Vinolia Wealth Foods, ZLB Enterprise, Bebefu ventures ,WEID ventures

Believe in your capacity to affect change -Hon Fiifi Kwettey to 7th AG-STUD Bootcampers

Believe in your capacity to affect change -Hon Fiifi Kwettey to 7th AG-STUD Bootcampers

The Former Minister For Food And Agriculture , Hon Fiifi Kwettey ,have encouraged  agricultural student and beginner agribusinesses  to believe in themselves to be able to affect change in the country and the world at large .

Giving a Agri Pep Talk on the topic “Activating Your Purpose Through Self-Actualization as a Beginner,”at the 7th Agricultural Student Carrer  Gauidance And Mentorship Dialogue Bootcamp By Agrihouse Foundation ,  Hon. Fiifi Kwettey urged the student and beginner agribusinesses  to believe in their capacity to effect change. He emphasized the transformative power of self-belief and encouraged them to harness their potential to make a meaningful impact in the agricultural sector.

He underscored the importance of self-awareness, passion  and purpose-driven action, emphasizing that every individual possesses the ability to enact positive change within their spheres of influence.

“You must be determined to change the story of Ghana. Every action we take today shapes the narrative of tomorrow. Let us harness our collective determination to cultivate a future where prosperity, innovation, and sustainability flourish across our nation.”he added

Addressing the challenges commonly faced by beginners in the agricultural industry, Hon. Fiifi Kwettey shared personal anecdotes and practical insights. He encouraged participants to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success, highlighting the importance of resilience and perseverance in navigating the complexities of entrepreneurship.

The AG-STUD Bootcamp, known for its commitment to providing guidance and mentorship to agricultural students and novice agri-entrepreneurs, serves as a catalyst for fostering innovation and excellence in the sector. Through engaging dialogues and interactive sessions, the event aims to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and inspiration needed to thrive in the dynamic field of agriculture.

As Hon. Fiifi Kwettey concluded his address, a sense of empowerment permeated the room. His call to activate one’s purpose through self-actualization resonated deeply with the students, igniting a newfound sense of determination and purpose among the bootcampers.

Youth Encouraged to See Agriculture as a Viable Career Choice

Youth Encouraged to See Agriculture as a Viable Career Choice

Mr. James Boateng, the 2018 National Best Farmer have called on the youth to consider agriculture as a viable career choice.

Delivering an engaging agri-ted talk titled “The Beginning of My Farming Journey” at the ongoing Agricultural Student Career Guidance and Mentorship Bootcamp held at the GNAT Hall, Mr. Boateng shared his personal journey into agriculture, urging aspiring agri-entrepreneurs to embark on their farming ventures with passion and determination.

Emphasizing the significance of perceiving agriculture as a promising career option, he debunked prevalent misconceptions and underscored the vast potential inherent in the agricultural sector. Drawing from his wealth of experience, he illuminated the array of opportunities available to budding farmers and agripreneurs, urging them to approach agriculture with passion and innovation.

‘’I have been in the corporate field for 30 years and I can tell you leaving the corporate job and venturing into agriculture was the best decision I have ever made, now I am making more money from agriculture than I was making in the corporate world. he added

Mr. James Boateng’s poignant Agri-Ted Talk served as a compelling testament to the boundless possibilities within the agricultural landscape and underscores the pivotal role of nurturing emerging agri-leaders. With steadfast determination and unwavering dedication, the youth stand poised to catalyze transformative change and spearhead socio-economic progress in Ghana through agriculture.

This year’s bootcamp is being supported by ADB, Jobberman, Kofi Vinyo, Kofi Ansah (Ahodwo Farms), holland akokor, Lexvee Agro-processing and some of Agrihouse Foundation’s women in agribusiness beneficiaries including Mama Abigial Gyama, Janet Adade, Queen Gafaratu Enterprise, Ayden Ventures, Nanvee Natural Foods, Vinolia Wealth Foods, ZLB Enterprise, Bebefu ventures ,WEID ventures.

Let Work to Change Negative Misconception About Agriculture Among the Youth

Let Work to Change Negative Misconception About Agriculture Among the Youth

The Director of The Directorate of Crop Service at The Ministry of Food and Agriculture Dr Solomon Gyan have called on the urgent need to dispel misconceptions surrounding agriculture that portray farmers as uneducated and agricultural work as physically demanding with minimal financial rewards.

Speaking on behave of the Minister For Food And Agriculture,Hon Brain  Acheampong  at the on-going agricultural student career guidance mentorship bootcamp at the gnat hall in Accra, Dr. Ansah, urged stakeholders to help support the ministry of food and agriculture to help change these perceptions among the youth through education, empowerment, and youth mentorships engagement.

By fostering enthusiasm and investment in the agricultural sector among the youth they will contribute to building a more resilient, innovative, and sustainable agricultural ecosystem

‘’agriculture has excess job opportunities, from research to sustainable environmental practices, financial management and technological engineering, agriculture today presents a rich tapestry of opportunities waiting to be explored by the youth. He added

He commended Agrihouse Foundation for the AG-STUD bootcamp initiative underscoring its pivotal role in nurturing a deeper understanding and appreciation for agriculture and agribusiness among young individuals.

This year’s bootcamp is being supported by ADB, Jobberman,AMG, Kofi Vinyo, Kofi Ansah (Ahodwo Farms), holland akokor, Lexvee Agro-processing and some of Agrihouse Foundation’s women in agribusiness beneficiaries including Mama Abigial Gyama, Janet Adade, Queen Gafaratu Enterprise, Ayden Ventures, Nanvee Natural Foods, Vinolia Wealth Foods, ZLB Enterprise, Bebefu ventures ,WEID ventures,