50-member Ghanaian Agribusiness Delegation to Participate in Key Trade Activities In Nebraska, USA

50-member Ghanaian Agribusiness Delegation to Participate in Key Trade Activities In Nebraska, USA

A Fifty (50) member businesses of the Ghana-Nebraska Agribusiness Growth and Trade Relations Chamber of Commerce – GNEBCHAM is set to experience the Husker Harvest Days and participate in key Trade and Investment Activity in Nebraska, from September 8 to 13, 2024, in Nebraska – U.S.A.

The delegation, comprising decision-making officials in Government and diverse value chain players within the Livestock, crops, irrigation, fertilizer, grains, agro processing, education, finance, technology and input sectors, are expected to meet with their Nebraskan business counterparts, to explore and discuss matching opportunities, capacities, strengths of both parties and forge relationships that will ultimately strengthen the Agricultural Infrastructure, for the mutual benefit of the two regions.

The five (5) day trade facilitation event also aims at strategically bringing to the forefront, the agribusiness opportunity gaps of both regions and provide the desired tailor-made support and measurable solutions to bridge the gap, by negotiating and signing of short to long-term working agreements.

Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, the Co-Founder of Ghana-Nebraska Agribusiness Growth and Trade Relations Chamber of Commerce (GNEBCham), expressed the Chamber’s commitment to scale-up its trade and facilitation works, by ensuring that, the GNEBCHAM members, are efficiently able transact, negotiate, signed deals, export and import from the USA, by embodying and fully leveraging on the African Growth and Opportunity Act.

GNEBCHAM is currently working to ensure GNEBCHAM AGOA Desk is vibrant and operational, to support its members, in the expansion, growth and scale-up strategies.

Last year, about twenty-two of GNEBCHAM members, participated in the Husker Harvest Days and the Trade and Investment Activity. This year, we have fifty (50) of our members participating.

As of today, GNEBCHAM has over 100 pledged members, reflecting the strong interest and ambition to grow and transform our agricultural sector.

This commitment is a testament to the vision of stakeholders who have taken up the mantle to improve agriculture for generations to come.

Their dedication and collaborative efforts highlight both the Ghanaian and American shared goal of advancing the industry, ensuring sustainability and creating lasting positive impacts that will benefit future generations.

Senator Ken Schilz, Co-Founder of GNEBCHAM expressed his delight about the increase in the business delegation for this year. Our focus is to ensure that, we are able to successfully create relations that sustains and strengthens the Ag infrastructure.

I have personally met with most of our GNEBCHAM member companies, discussing and accessing their collective strengths and I remain confident, that we shall achieve our collective objectives.

We are committed to raising the profile of agriculture, both in Ghana and Nebraska and if we are able to correctly do this, the GNEBCHAM will become a preeminent voice for the advancement of agriculture and demonstrate what is possible through strategic partnerships, Senator Schilz said.

During the five (5) day Husker Harvest and the Trade and Investment Activity, GNEBCHAM Business delegates will be strategically positioned and engaged in focused business investment and negotiation dialogues, to sign business partnership and relationship deals.

Some of the Business delegates will be accessing the possibilities of having their agro products on the shelves of Nebraska stores or creating a mini-Ghana space within the Grocery shops in Nebraska.

Other delegates in the Educational sector will also be exploring the possibility of collaborating with Nebraska State Universities offering Agriculture, to introduce agribusiness educational modules and create partnerships for exchanges.

Additionally, other business delegates who are exploring investment partnerships for grains ( soybeans), irrigation, seeds, beef, poultry imports, have been pencilled and matched with Nebraskan businesses within shared goals and similar fields.

Delegates will be hosted to a welcome business and networking reception by state senators and businesses in Nebraska, have key meetings with the Nebraska State department of Agriculture and a reception with the Nebraska State Governor.

Throughout the five (5) day business trip, delegates, will get to attend the Husker Harvest days, which is by far, the largest irrigated farm show, to experience the latest in agribusiness technology and learn from industry experts.

The Ghana-Nebraska Agribusiness Growth and Trade Relations (GNEBCham) is the International representative arm of selected Nebraska Senators, Farmers, Agribusinesses and subsidiaries voluntarily working together with their Ghanaian partners to create an environment where Agribusiness and Trade can thrive between Ghanaians and Nebraskans and beyond.

GNEBCham aims to foster economic growth and strengthen trade ties by developing business markets among Ghanaian and Nebraskan value chain businesses.

With a growing membership base of over 100 companies, GNEBCham aims at developing agribusiness trade ties and relationships, build bridges that strengthens the Agricultural infrastructure and drive economic growth.

14th Annual Pre-Harvest Agribusiness Conference and Exhibition Set for October 29-31, 2024

14th Annual Pre-Harvest Agribusiness Conference and Exhibition Set for October 29-31, 2024

Agrihouse Foundation is excited to announce the 14th Edition of the Pre-Harvest Agribusiness Conference and Exhibition, set to take place from Tuesday, October 29 to Thursday, October 31, 2024, at the Alhaji Aliu Mahama Sports Stadium, Tamale.

This year’s event, themed “Connecting the Unconnected – Accelerating Farmer-Buyer Connectivity to Reduce Post-Harvest Losses,”aims to address one of the most pressing challenges in the agricultural sector: reducing post-harvest losses through enhanced market linkages.

The Pre-Harvest Agribusiness Conference and Exhibitions have, over the past 13 years, evolved into the largest market linkage platform in Ghana, successfully connecting over 197,000 farmers to markets. This event has consistently provided a conducive environment for establishing new partnerships and promoting agribusiness, with a strong focus on fostering sustainability and growth in the sector. This year, we aim to build on this legacy by offering even more opportunities for learning, networking, and business development.

In a statement the Executive Director, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, emphasized the significance of the annual event , stating, “The Pre-Harvest Agribusiness Conference and Exhibitions have become a cornerstone of Ghana’s agricultural calendar, providing essential support to farmers and agribusinesses.

This year, we are particularly focused on bridging the gap between farmers and buyers, ensuring that our farmers have the tools, knowledge, and connections they need to reduce post-harvest losses and thrive in an increasingly competitive market. We are excited to continue building on the success of previous years and look forward to another impactful event.”

This fourteen edition will feature several key components designed to empower farmers, improve market access, and enhance agricultural productivity which includes a  Farmer-to-Farmer Apprenticeship Session  which will offer practical training module where experienced field representatives will guide selected farmer groups, including Farmer-Based Organizations (FBOs), Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), and women-led groups aimed at strengthening farmers’ abilities to manage machinery, equipment, and agricultural inputs, thereby enhancing productivity and creating new market opportunities.

There will also be a Commodity Breakout Sessions which seeks to provide focused training and capacity building to farmers tailored to specific crops such as maize, soybeans, rice, cowpeas, groundnuts, and vegetables. These sessions will offer farmers in-depth knowledge and practical skills that are directly applicable to their agricultural activities, ensuring that they are better equipped to meet market demands and increase yields.

The Farmer-to-Buyer Matchmaking component will serve as the event’s central deal-making platform, where farmers can present their produce, engage in pricing discussions, negotiate contracts, and secure deals with buyers. Last year, this matchmaking session facilitated 53 contracts valued at USD 189,000, connecting farmer groups with buyers interested in a wide range of produce including rice, maize, millet, sorghum, soybeans, groundnuts, yams, and tubers.

The Exhibitions segment will showcase a diverse range of participants from various sectors including farmer groups, input and seed dealers, financial institutions, equipment and machinery companies, and more. Last year’s event recorded 122 exhibitors and attracted over 2,797 visitors, and this year’s event is expected to see a 45% increase in exhibitor

Agrihouse Foundation invites stakeholders across the agricultural value chain to partner as sponsors or exhibitors in this significant event, which continues to play a critical role in promoting agricultural education, innovation, and community engagement. For more information, or to register as a sponsor or exhibitor, please contact Joseph at 0570246813 or Alberta at 0244623012.

Building a Foundation for Food Security: Agrihouse Foundation’s Junior Farmers Mentorship Day Inspires Future Agricultural Leaders

Building a Foundation for Food Security: Agrihouse Foundation’s Junior Farmers Mentorship Day Inspires Future Agricultural Leaders

As the global population continues to grow, so does the demand for food. The United Nations estimates that the world will need to produce 70% more food by 2050 to meet the needs of a projected 9.7 billion people.This challenge is compounded by climate change, which threatens to disrupt food production in many parts of the world. Training children in agriculture is a critical step toward ensuring that future generations have the knowledge and skills necessary to produce food sustainably and efficiently.

agricultural education can play a crucial role in promoting health and nutrition. When children learn to grow their own food, they gain a greater appreciation for fresh, healthy produce. This knowledge can translate into better eating habits and a preference for whole, unprocessed foods.

Agriculture teaches children valuable life skills, including responsibility, patience, and problem-solving. Caring for plants and animals requires a level of commitment and attention to detail that can help children develop a strong work ethic. Moreover, by working with the land, children gain a deeper appreciation for the environment and the delicate balance that must be maintained to sustain life.

The challenges of the future climate change, resource scarcity, and food insecurity will require innovative solutions and a deep understanding of agricultural practices.

By training children in agriculture, we are not just preparing them for potential careers in farming; we are equipping them with the tools they need to address some of the most pressing issues of our time.

Whether they become farmers, policymakers, scientists, or informed citizens, children who are educated in agriculture will be better prepared to contribute to a more sustainable and food-secure world.

They will have the knowledge and skills to develop new farming techniques, advocate for sustainable policies, and make informed decisions that benefit both people and the planet.

Agrihouse Foundation in partnership with ,Driven Concept, successfully hosted the Junior Farmers Mentorship Day, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at nurturing a love for agriculture among children.

The Mentorship Day  brought together children aged between three and ten years, instilling in them a sense of responsibility and appreciation for sustainable agricultural practices provided young participants with a unique opportunity to learn the basics of gardening and understand the benefits of growing their own food.

Through hands-on training sessions, the children were taught how to set up and maintain their own backyard gardens, with lessons on soil basics and composition, safety guidelines, an introduction to gardening tools, and practical gardening experience.

Each child received a comprehensive startup pack, including seeds, seed trays, fertilizers, and compost, to help them apply their new skills at home and foster a lasting interest in gardening.

Speaking at the event, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, emphasized the importance of cultivating an early interest in agriculture. “Our goal with the Junior Farmers Mentorship Day is to inspire a new generation of agricultural enthusiasts. By teaching children, the basics of gardening and the benefits of growing their own food, we aim to foster a lifelong appreciation for agriculture and sustainability,” she stated.By introducing children to agriculture at a young age, we can lay the foundation for a generation that understands the importance of food security.

They will learn where their food comes from, how it is grown, and the challenges involved in food production. This knowledge will not only make them more conscious consumers but also inspire some to pursue careers in agriculture, thereby contributing to the global effort to secure our food supply.

“We believe that empowering children with practical agricultural knowledge at an early age is essential for building a food-secure future. This program not only educates them on the importance of agriculture but also equips them with the skills they need to start their own gardens and understand the value of self-sufficiency,” she remarked.

The children themselves were excited to share what they had learned during the day. Agyeiwaa Abena Boakye Agyeman , a 10-year-old participant, said, “I learned how to plant seeds and take care of them. I’m going to start a garden at home with the seeds they gave me.” Jaden Otu Nana Darko  , an 8-year-old attendee, added, “I didn’t know much about soil, but now I know how important it is to have good soil for plants to grow well.”

Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa added that this initiative is part of Agrihouse Foundation’s broader mission to promote agricultural education and awareness across all age groups. “By engaging children in hands-on agricultural activities, we believe we can contribute to the development of a more sustainable and food-secure future,” she noted.

The Junior Farmers Mentorship Day is one of many initiatives spearheaded by Driven Concept and Agrihouse Foundation aimed at supporting and empowering individuals within the agricultural sector. Through events like this, these organizations continue to play a vital role in promoting agricultural education, innovation, and community engagement.

Agrihouse Foundation continue to play a vital role in promoting agricultural education, innovation, and community engagement through initiatives like the Junior Farmers Mentorship Day. Parents and guardians interested in future events or seeking more information are encouraged to contact Joseph at 0570246813 or Alberta at 0244623012.

Agrihouse Foundation Host Junior Farmers Mentorship Day Today

Agrihouse Foundation Host Junior Farmers Mentorship Day Today

Agrihouse Foundation is Today, Friday 9th August 2024 hosting a Junior farmers Mentorship Day for children with the Aim of nurturing a love for agriculture among children.

Designed to instil a sense of responsibility and an appreciation for sustainable practices, the program offers a unique opportunity for children aged between three and sixteen years to grasp the basics of gardening and understand the benefits of growing their own food.

The free junior farmers mentorship session will feature hands-on training sessions where young participants will learn how to set up and maintain their own backyard gardens ,understanding soil basics and composition ,safety guidelines and introduction to tools and hands on gardening experience among others .

Each child will receive a comprehensive startup pack, including seeds, seed trays, fertilizers, and compost, to kickstart their gardening journey. This kit ensures that the children have all the necessary tools to practice their new skills at home, fostering continued engagement with gardening.

Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, highlighted the importance of early agricultural education.

“Our goal with the Junior farmers  Mentorship Day is to inspire a new generation of agricultural enthusiasts. By teaching children, the basics of gardening and the benefits of growing their own food, we aim to foster a lifelong appreciation for agriculture and sustainability,” she said.

“This initiative is part of Agrihouse Foundation’s broader commitment to promoting agricultural education and awareness among all age groups. By engaging children in hands-on agricultural activities, we believe we can contribute to the development of a more sustainable and food-secure future,” she added.

The Junior Farmers  Mentorship Day is one of many initiatives by Agrihouse Foundation designed to support and empower individuals within the agricultural sector. Through events like this, the Foundation continues to play a vital role in promoting agricultural education, innovation, and community engagement.Parents and guardians interested in registering their children for the event can contact joseph on 0570246813 for more information. The Foundation eagerly anticipates welcoming the young participants and guiding them in their first steps towards becoming future leaders in agriculture.