Mayor Stan Clouse Praises Ghana-Nebraska Agribusiness Chamber as a Key Hub for U.S. Market Entry

Nebraska State Mayor Stan Clouse has commended the Ghana-Nebraska Agribusiness Growth and Trade Relations Chamber (GNEBCham) for its commitment to building sustainable partnerships that enhance agricultural trade ties between Ghana and Nebraska. Addressing the 30-member Ghanaian delegation at the recently concluded Husker Harvest Days and trade and investment event, Mayor Stan Clouse also praised the […]
Kanu Equipment Partners with Agrihouse Foundation for the 14th Annual Pre-Harvest Agribusiness Conference and Exhibition

Kanu Equipment Ghana Ltd, a leading provider of agricultural, construction and earthmoving machinery in Ghana, has partnered with Agrihouse Foundation for the 14th Annual Pre-Harvest Agribusiness Conference and Exhibition, scheduled to take place from October 29-30 ,2024 at the Aliu Mahama Sports Stadium, in Tamale, in the Northern Region of Ghana. The partnership underscores kanu […]
The Future of Food Through the Agrifood Future Event-Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa’s Reflection

I had the opportunity to participate in the second edition of the AgriFood Future in Selormo, Italy at the invitation of President Andrea Prete of Unioncamere and Professor Alexander Giordano, founder of Rural Hack few weeks ago. My presence and observations has marked and sparked a mind transformative perspective, of our collective ambition for the […]